Tag Archives: Dr. Robert Price

Why I’ve Cut Ties with Dr. Robert M. Price

In case you missed it: Derek Lambert recently announced with a heavy heart he was cutting ties with Dr. Robert M. Price. Derek’s courage gave me the courage to do the same. Why? I hope after you read this recent Facebook post from John W. Loftus and Dr. Price, and the responses from Seth Andrews and I, you’ll understand where I’m coming from.

There were many, many comments in response, but in the interest of time, Iet me just repost Seth Andrew’s:


If I may add to the conversation, hopefully constructively:

I’ve interviewed Dr. Price and was once an admirer. Then, I began hearing cheap-shot right-wing talking points, which only intensified with time. Antifa. “Hitlary.” Trump apologetics right out of OAN. Branding feminism as a mere man-hating “lesbianism” (his word). Advocating violence against free protesters. And constant dismissals of marginalized groups working for social change, equality, and humanity.

With such tragic positions (and an alarming level of petty schoolyard stone-throwing), Price’s antics threw his credibility on all topics into the grinder. I’m interested in mythicism, and I personally don’t know the answer to the mythical Jesus question, but given this man’s self-immolation on other critical issues, I can’t deem him – or his judgment – reliable. As such, I’ve looked to other sources.

I don’t know Derek Lambert well, but as a host, I completely understand his decision to remove someone he deemed in opposition to his values as a Humanist. If I had a co-host who’d slipped into the Alex Jonesian insanity of declaring the January 6th insurrection a “false flag operation” after the presidential election was “stolen,” I’d have removed his hall pass, too. The credibility of the whole platform would be at stake.

Finally, to be totally clear. Dr. Price isn’t a victim. He’s not an example of someone unfairly dismissed over a mere disagreement or a misunderstanding (and yes, those instances do happen). And as his social media accounts and broadcast channels can attest, he hasn’t been censored from speaking his opinions, however tragic they might be. His protests sound much like Donald Trump wailing about his deletion from Twitter over Terms of Service violations…and doing so with a global microphone.

This case isn’t Cancel Culture. It’s an example of Consequence Culture.

Do I hate Robert Price? Of course not. But I am fully in support of a host like Lambert withdrawing an endorsement and shoring up his house for the integrity of the channel and message.

Beyond that, I hold onto the hope that Dr. Robert Price will one day find his way clear of the bad ideas now grafted organically to his life’s work and reputation. I’m a big believer in redemption stories. In second chances. (I’m a redemption story, having once been a Fox News Christian.) 

And I hope the tone of even our strongest disagreements can remain mature, constructive, productive, and indicative of the better world we want to build.

As usual, Seth has my respect and admiration for what he said. Here is my follow-up comment to his:

What Seth said, 100%.

As someone who has long respected. loved and worked with Dr. Price (and still loves him and has tremendous respect for him for his scholarship and brilliant biblical insights): No cabal of “woke scholars” is behind his separation from Derek and his podcast – like me, that decision was agonizing and heartbreaking – and necessary.

John, I do hope you’re not getting tarred with the same brush; and if you don’t know why Derek (and I, and many others) finally decided we could no longer ignore Dr. Price’s more extreme views, this may help: 

For me it was listening to Dr. Price praising the January 6th insurrectionists as patriots who he hoped would start a new civil war, while arguing that BLM protesters were all anti-civilization rioters who needed to be shot on sight. 

You don’t have to take my word for it:

I just want to repeat what Seth said here because it sums up my own feelings so well:

“This case isn’t Cancel Culture. It’s an example of Consequence Culture.

Do I hate Robert Price? Of course not. But I am fully in support of a host like Lambert withdrawing an endorsement and shoring up his house for the integrity of the channel and message.

Beyond that, I hold onto the hope that Dr. Robert Price will one day find his way clear of the bad ideas now grafted organically to his life’s work and reputation. I’m a big believer in redemption stories. In second chances. (I’m a redemption story, having once been a Fox News Christian.)

And I hope the tone of even our strongest disagreements can remain mature, constructive, productive, and indicative of the better world we want to build.”

I hope you’ll watch Derek Lambert’s heartfelt video. It is not easy to watch but explains why Derek, I, and many others have decided we could no longer pretend our difference with Dr. Price is just over simple political disagreements.
